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about CoPilot 11, the lastest version for Android devices.
Knowledge base
Getting Started
Buying CoPilot
Where can I buy CoPilot and on which operating systems can I use it?
How do I buy CoPilot GPS?
Removal of RV/Caravan (In Auto and Truck profiles) in CoPilot v10.10
Learn More About Auto Renew Subscriptions
Can I install my CoPilot app on more than one device?
See all 10 articles
CoPilot Account and Password
How to change my CoPilot ID or password and reset my password
Account Password Mismatch
Installing CoPilot for the first time
Where can my maps be stored?
How To Redeem My CoPilot Promo Code on Android
Camera Permissions for an Older Android Device With No Camera
How to change the information displayed on the current position?
How to change language in CoPilot
See all 6 articles
Start your first journey
Finding your way around CoPilot...
How do I setup CoPilot for driving?
Planning and starting a trip in CoPilot
Drivewyze Integration (North America only)
Guidance Display
See all 11 articles
Get additional maps and extras
Which maps are available in CoPilot?
How to buy a new map
How do I install CoPilot?
How can I move CoPilot to another device?
Error Code 315 received when installing CoPilot
Voice Navigation is not working
Error Code 706 received when installing CoPilot
Why will CoPilot GPS not run on new Huawei devices?
How can I reinstall CoPilot on the same device?
How do I reinstall CoPilot?
Back up my Trips & Favourites - Lost Data Recovery?
Activation Error -710
CoPilot could not verify your purchase (Error -723)
Reset routing profile in CoPilot
CoPilot Account and Password
Which licenses do I have?
How do I perform a Cloud Backup & Restore?
How do I restore a missing purchase after an app update?
How do I upgrade or update my CoPilot?
How can I get the latest version of the app?
How do I install a CoPilot app update?
CoPilot GPS 10.28 offers free trial of online navigation experience
Installing the maps
How can I get the latest version of the maps?
How do I install a map update?
Which maps are available in CoPilot?
Which maps are available in CoPilot?
Which maps styles are best for color-blind drivers?
Submit a map improvement
About map improvements
Why is the correction I reported not in my map?
How do I report a map error or update?
Reporting map issues with MapSure
Driving with CoPilot
New destination
How do I take a detour around a road?
Reverse a trip in CoPilot
How do I import custom POIs on Android?
How do I navigate to one of my Contacts?
Motion Lock
See all 7 articles
Driving Abroad
How to change maps to a different continent?
Customise My CoPilot
How my personal data is used
How is my personal information handled by CoPilot?
Battery and mobile data usage
How does CoPilot use my cellular/mobile data?
How can I improve battery life while using CoPilot?
My vehicle settings
What is a Vehicle Routing Profile and how do I create one?
Why is my position on the map incorrect or not there?
How do I set Toll Road preferences?
How do I set RV/Caravan vehicle dimensions?
My favorite places/destinations
How do I add, edit and delete my favourites (including home & work)?
Can I enter Latitude/Longitude coordinates as a destination?
How do I set up my trips?
How do I import routes from Google Maps?
How can I back up my data when re-installing CoPilot?
Routing preferences
How does CoPilot calculate routes?
How do I avoid a road?
Map display and routing instructions
How do I modify brightness and/or the color and style of my map?
How do I import custom POIs on iOS?
How to Import a Custom Set of Safety Cameras?
How do I change the direction my navigation arrow points?
How can I choose the places to show on the Map?
Adjust how I hear CoPilot
How do I repeat voice instructions?
Can I mute Voice Guidance?
Does CoPilot work with any car and Bluetooth speaker?
How to Set the Distance of Turn Instructions and Voice Alerts
How to hear the name of the roads and the exit numbers
CoPilot App Settings
How do I turn off iPhone or iPad app notifications?