You are only permitted to use ONE CoPilot license on one device at a time as detailed in the EULA (End User Licensing Agreement). If you've purchased multiple licenses, we recommend using a different CoPilot ID for each license.
For example, if you would like to use CoPilot on both your phone and tablet simultaneously, you would need to purchase a license for each device. It is not permitted to register multiple devices to the same CoPilot ID account at the same time.
CoPilot license(s) are linked to an e-mail account (CoPilot ID) which forms part of the EULA, and these licenses are registered to the app store accounts used for purchase (Google Play [Android], App Store [iPhone/iPad]).
If you download the CoPilot app from Google Play (Android) / App Store (iPhone/iPad) to a new device, be sure to use the same store ID, and sign in to CoPilot with the same CoPilot ID.