Drivewyze Integration - save time, money and hassles. Bypass weigh stations and mobile inspection sites using the Drivewyze app on your phone or tablet. Download Drivewyze PreClear in the Google Play or App Store.
When used with CoPilot Truck driving, notifications from Drivewyze will appear.
At approximately 2 miles from inspection sites, Drivewyze PreClear notifies you with a screen message and chime.
Weigh Stations and inspection sites that are participating in the Drivewyze Bypass program will be depicted as such with a blue "Drivewyze" sign on top. This means that you may be eligible to receive a bypass at this location, if you subscribe to the optional Drivewyze bypass service.
For more information on Drivewyze PreClear app, go here.
Drivewyze Integration (North America only)
Modified on: Aug 16, 2022
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